Friday, April 19, 2013

What is BRNET

Bio-Resource Network (BRNet) is a prototype portal site for biological information. An
initiative of Japan Science and Technology (JST) Corporation, BRNET is basically meant to bring
together biological information resources scattered over different networks for optimum
BRNET categorizes the information resources in such a manner that the end user can easily
search the desired information. Furthermore, it also allows the users to create their own bio resources

Advantages and features of NICENET

1. Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA2), a sophisticated communication tool that brings
powerful World-Wide-Web based conferencing, personal messaging, document sharing,
scheduling and link/resource sharing to a variety of learning environments.
2. The ICA2 incorporates many new features and responds to requests received from users.
Nicenet provides the ICA free of charge with no advertising.

3. Anyone can set up a class in minutes and allow others to join. After login, users are
presented with a "heads-up" display of class resources.
4. Conferencing: Create your own private, threaded conferencing on topics you make for the
class or opt to allow students to create their own topics.
5. Scheduling: Put the class schedule on-line. With a seven day advance view on your class
homepage, students will have a heads-up display of upcoming assignments and class
6. Document sharing: Students and professors have the ability to publish their documents on
the site using simple web-based
7. No knowledge of HTML is needed. Automatically integrated with scheduling, students are
one click away from turning in their assignments on-line, giving their peers feedback on
published papers and receiving professors comments.
8. Personal Messaging: Similar to traditional email but fully integrated with document
sharing and conferencing, personal messaging is a great way communicate with and
between individuals in your class, comment privately on conferencing postings or give
private feedback on published papers.
9. Link Sharing: Share links to pertinent Internet resources sorted by topics that you create.


NICENET is an organisation of internet professionals, founded in 1995 with the objective
to make electronic communication tools and resources accessible for education community.
NICENET provides one of the most popular “Learning Management System”.


1. To promote and establish communication facilities to improve capability in information
transfer and access to knowledge, that provide support to scholarship, learning, research
and academic pursuit through cooperation and involvement of agencies concerned.
2. To establish INFLIBNET: Information and Library Network a computer communication
network for linking libraries and information centres in universities, deemed to be
universities, colleges, UGC information centres, institutions of national importance and
R & D institutions, etc. avoiding duplication of efforts.
3. Promote and implement computerisation of operations and services in the libraries and
information centres of the country.

4. Evolve standards and uniform guidelines in techniques, methods, procedures, computer
hardware and software, services and promote their adoption in actual practice by all
libraries, in order to facilitate pooling, sharing and exchange of information towards
optimal use of resources and facilities.
5. Evolved a national network, interconnecting various libraries and information centres in the
country, to improve capability in information handling and service.
6. Provide reliable access to document collection of libraries by creating on-line union
catalogue of serials, theses/dissertations, books, monographs and non-book materials
(manuscripts, audio-visuals, computer data, multimedia, etc.) in various libraries in India.
7. Provide access to bibliographic information sources with citations, abstracts etc. through
indigenously created databases of the Sectoral Information Centres of NISSAT, UGC
Information Centres, City Networks and such others and by establishing gateways for
on-line accessing of national and international databases held by national and international
information networks and centres respectively.
8. Develop new methods and techniques for archival of valuable information available as
manuscripts and information documents in different Indian Languages, in the form of
digital images using high density storage media.
9. Enable the users dispersed all over the country, irrespective of location and distance, to
have access to information regarding serials, theses/dissertations, books, monographs and
non-book materials by locating the sources wherefrom available and to obtain it through
the facilities of INFLIBNET and union catalogue of documents.
10. Create databases of projects, institutions, specialists, etc. for providing on-line information
11. Create databases of projects, institutions, specialists, etc. for providing on-line information
12. Encourage co-operation among libraries, documentation centres and information centres in
the country, so that the resources can be pooled for the benefit of helping the weaker
resource centres by stronger ones.
13. Train and develop human resources in the field of computerised library operations and
networking to establish, manage and sustain INFLIBNET.
14. Facilitate academic communication amongst scientists, engineers, social scientists,
academics, faculties, researchers and students through electronic mail, file transfer,
computer/audio/video conferencing, etc.
15. Collaborate with institutions, libraries, information centres and other organisations in India
and abroad in the field relevant to the objectives of the Centre.


Is an Autonomous Inter-University Centre (IUC) of University Grants Commission, Government
of India. It is involved in creating infrastructure for sharing of library and information resources
and services among Academic and Research Institutions. INFLIBNET (Information and Library
Network) works collaboratively with Indian university libraries to shape the future of the academic
libraries in the evolving information environment.


Content Repositories are large storage facilities for storing content. Repositories give answers to
any type of query. There can also be articles, comments, news about different matters. It is
possible to define a single content repository table that is flexible enough to store everything in one


A journal contains scholarly articles. It disseminates current information on research and development in a particular subject field. E-Journals, or electronic journals,are the electronic equivalent of paper journals. EJournalsprovide access to 'full text versions'(full content) ofarticles which you can read on-screen, print out or save todisc. In some cases you will be limited to viewing a description of the article – an abstract or summary.Scholarly Journals are journals which are respected for there search and information they provide about the topic they cover. They are written for and bypeople who have rich experience in a particulardiscipline or field. The research is oftenrefereed, meaning that it is reviewed by other researchers who are knowledgeable about the seriouslook than most popular magazines. They may contain graphs and charts but do not usually havemany pictures. Scholarly journals cite their sources using footnotes or bibliographies.