Thursday, April 11, 2013

Features of New Generation Personal Computers

 Speed: The computers process data at an extremely fast rate. In a few seconds, computers
can perform such a huge task that a normal human being may take days or even years to
complete. The speed of a computer is calculated in MHz (Megahertz) or Giga hertz (GHz).
Different computers have different speed. For example a Micro Computer can execute
millions of instructions per second over and over again without any mistake. As the power
of the computers increases, the speed also increases. For example, super computers can
operate at speeds measured in nanoseconds and even in picoseconds-one thousand to one
million times faster than microcomputers.
 Accuracy: Besides the efficiency, the computers are also very accurate. The level of
accuracy depends on the instructions and the type of machines being used. Since we know
that the computer is capable of doing only what it is instructed to do, faulty instructions for
processing the data automatically lead to faulty results. This is known as GIGO, that is
garbage in garbage out. Errors may occur in the results, but due to increased efficiency of
error-detecting techniques, they can be minimized. Thus, the probability of errors in a
computer is negligible.
 Reliability: Generally, reliability is the measurement of the performance of a computer,
which is measured against some predetermined standard for operation without any failure.
The major reason behind the reliability of the computers is that, at hardware level, it does
not require any human intervention between its processing operations. Moreover,
computers have the built in diagnostic capabilities, which help in continuous monitoring of
the system.
 Storage capability: Computers can store large amounts of data and it can recall the
required information almost instantaneously. The memory of the computer is relatively
small and it can hold only a certain amount of information, therefore, the data is stored on
storage devices such as magnetic tape or disks. Small sections of the data can be assessed
very quickly and bought into the storage devices, as and when required, for processing. In
order to explain the idea of storage capacity, we can take an example of CD-ROM and a
hard disk. A single CD-ROM can store up to 700 MB of data while a hard disk can have a
capacity of around 80 GB (1GB = 1024 MB).

 Versatility: Computers are quite versatile in nature. They can perform multiple tasks
simultaneously with equal ease. For example, at one moment it can be used to prepare a
letter, the other moment it can be used to play music and in between you can print a
document as well. All this work is possible by changing the program (sequence of
instructions for computers). In brief, we can say that a computer can perform various tasks
by reducing the task to a series of logical tests.
 Diligence: Computer, being a machine, does not suffer from the human traits of tiredness
and lack of concentration. If four million calculations have to be performed, then the
computer will perform the last four millionth calculations with the same accuracy and
speed as the first calculation.
Computers have certain limitations too. As a machine, a computer can only perform what is
programmed to do, nothing more nothing less. It can only process the data that is provided
to it and communicate the results. That is why in the field of computer science we use the
phrase ‘Garbage in, garbage out’ (GIGO).

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