Friday, April 19, 2013


In the information age, lifelong learning and collaboration are essential aspects of most
innovative work. Information technology is not only transforming our workplace but also our
educational system. The information revolution is having a profound and permanent effect on the
way we learn. Fortunately, the computer technology which drives the information explosion also
has the potential to help individuals and teams to learn much of what they need to know on
demand. In particular, computer-based systems on the Internet can be designed to capture
knowledge as it is generated within a community of practice and to deliver relevant knowledge
when it is useful.
In this internet world, we can search any kind of information. Just type the keyword in
search engine and you can find a lot of information about it. The internet is recognized as a rich
source of information, which can be easily tapped by any person who has the skills to use the
internet. More than ever before online databases are easily accessible to all learners who have a
computer and a telephone line.
The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology has yielded an
almost unlimited variety of databases and multimedia platforms that are able to supply
multifarious needs, including knowledge, edutainment, entertainment, leisure activities, consumer
facilities, interpersonal interaction etc. there are many knowledge centers in the net like which can
be accessed and used by all. There are virtual library and also on-line discussion boards which are
useful tools for academic exchanges. Thus the use of internet by students and teachers is perceived
as a vehicle to increase knowledge and skills necessary for successful negotiation of tasks
presented by 21st century.
Knowledge repository means a place to store knowledge and retrieve knowledge. Hence
internet is truly a knowledge repository.


  1. Knowledge repository means a place to store knowledge and retrieve knowledge.hence internet truly a knowledge repository

  2. It was very useful to us for acquiring
    An effective information about internet
    And it uses
