Thursday, April 11, 2013


An output device helps us to send processed data out of our computer. This can take the
form of text, pictures, sounds and video.
Monitor: The most common output device is the monitor which displays text, graphics and video.
There are two types of monitors: CRTs (Cathode-ray tube) and LCDs (Liquid crystal display).
CRTs are fast becoming legacy technology as it is heavy and not portable. LCDs are more popular
due to its sleek style and energy efficiency.

Data Projectors: Projectors are commonly used in business and education in conference rooms
and classrooms. These projectors are becoming smaller and lighter and also cheaper making them
ideal for businessmen and families to own.
Printers: Another common output device is the printer, which creates tangible or hard copies of
text. There are mainly two categories of printers: impact and nonimpact printers. Impact printers
have tiny hammer like keys that strike the paper through an inked ribbon, thus making a mark on
the paper. The most common impact printer is the dot-matrix printer. In contrast the nonimpact
printers spray ink or use laser beams to transfer marks on to the paper as in inkjet printers and the
laser printers respectively.
Now there are infrared-compatible or wireless printers which allow you to print from your
handheld device, notebook, or camera. Most of these printers work using Bluetooth technology.
Speakers and earphones are obviously the output devices for sound. They enable you to
participate in videoconferencing or phone calls made over the internet.

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