Friday, April 19, 2013


India has many races, nationalities, castes, subs castes and communities but so far the heart
of India is concerned it is one. It is true that societies that have been integrated into bonds of unity
have always enjoyed peace, stability, prosperity and permanence. The national integration is the
process of uniting different people from all walks of life into a single whole. The most serious
problem being faced by India in present circumstances is, how to develop an atmosphere of
national consciousness among so varied a people.

This consciousness of oneness among the population will be achieved only by development
and economic up liftment of the downtrodden. There should be equal distribution of income
among the population. For this all should get equal opportunities in life.
Information technology is an important and extremely effective tool through which
development and progress can take place with the help of the co-operation of all strata of society
including government and the public. The government should recognize the need to harness the
growing power of IT for the betterment of the life of the citizens.
Dealing with government is usually complicated, slow and confusing. Government is
usually associated with red-tapism, elaborate procedures and slow decision making. Public access
to government services is uncoordinated, cumbersome and paper based, which is further
compounded in case more than one agency is involved. IT together with, greater transparency, will
improve the image of government and simpler procedures can help tackle some of the maladies of
Government resulting in speedier and better decisions.
The vision of the government is to create a knowledge-based society through extensive use
of Information Technology. Administration should envisage a scenario wherein every citizen shall
be able to access the benefits of Information Technology. The ultimate goal is to use IT as a
medium for effective interaction between the Administration and the public so that exchange of
information and access to government departments is speedy and easy leading to a better quality of
When there is economic progress and transparency in governance, it will be easy to bring
about national integration.

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